Drupal: Sharing Inline Block Markup Between Custom Themes and Layout Builder Editing

Drupal 9’s layout builder system is a great improvement on how we’ve long been building content in Drupal and combined with custom block types is a sufficient replacement for modules like Paragraphs. But one of the frustrations I’ve run into while using it is that my custom theme styles get in the way of the editing UI, preventing editors from being able to access or read some of the controls they need to do their work.

Fortunately, the layout_builder_admin_theme module solves this problem and lets us use an admin theme like seven or claro when editing with layout builder, so all the editing controls appear where and as they should. However, my custom templates for inline blocks weren’t rendering with this enabled since I kept them in my custom theme directory, and my custom theme was no longer being used when editing.

Here’s how to move those templates into a custom module so that they’re loaded in both the site your visitors see as well as when editors are working with them.

First, create a custom module and add hook_theme to let Drupal know that you’ll be supplying templates for these blocks.


 * Implements hook_theme().
function MY_MODULE_theme() {
  return [
    'block__inline_block__MACHINE_NAME' => [
      'render element' => 'elements',
      'base hook' => 'block',

Now you can create a templates directory within your module and place a block--inline-block--MACHINE-NAME.html.twig template file there which will be picked up when the block is shown with your custom theme or the admin theme enabled.

{% if content %}
  {% set fields = content.content ? content.content : content %}
  <div{{ attributes.addClass(["block--MACHINE-NAME"]) }}>
    {{ title_prefix }}
    {{ title_suffix }}
    {% if content.actions %}
      {{ content.actions }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if fields.field_body %}
      <div class="block--MACHINE-NAME--body">{{ fields.field_body }}</div>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

The content object will work as normal when viewed in your custom theme, but when the admin theme is shown it will instead be an array with two items: content.content is the same object as content in the custom theme while content.actions contains some editing controls for positioning the block. To get around this inconsistency, we create a new variable, fields, which will have all the normal field content in it and then ensure that content.actions is printed out at the start of the block right after title_prefix and title_suffix which are also needed (along with attributes on a wrapper element) for the layout builder editing UI to work.